* Main Entry: ef·fi·gy
Pronunciation: 'e-f&-jE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -gies
Etymology: Middle French effigie, from Latin effigies, from effingere to form, from ex- + fingere to shape -- more at
: an image or representation especially of a person; especially : a crude figure representing a hated person - in effigy : publicly in the form of an effigy (the tyrant was burned in effigy)
Bump. Keep this post for later action in the daylight.
Bump, BTTT, Good Night and all that stuff.....
We're with ya, Jim.
Have you considered that it just might take somthing like this to spark the fire that finally either removes the present power structure, or leads to drastic yet orderly change?
I have pointed out to friends and family for years the following 3 questions over and over again...they can always answer the first two and they always answer them the same.
Its the last question that they are afraid to answer...
1. Over the last 25 years has government grown larger and more intrusive OR smaller and less intrusive into the private lives and rights of the individual?
2. Given that you agree that it has grown larger and more intrusive, do you think the pace of that growth will: diminish, stay steady, or grow?
3. Given that you agree it will stay steady or grow, at what point will you draw your line in the sand and say enough is enough?
Nobody wants to answer the last of the three questions. Nobody knows what their line in the sand is.
Whats your line in the sand Jim?