Posted on 03/23/2006 9:46:28 AM PST by RWR8189
Contact: Tracey Schmitt
WASHINGTON, DC The Republican National Committee (RNC) today released a new radio ad entitled Censure highlighting Sen. Feingolds attempt to censure the President for ensuring that the United States is monitoring terrorist communications. Censure will begin airing tomorrow in Wisconsin radio markets and is available at
Voice Over:
September eleventh changed our country.
And it changed how America responds to terrorists.
President Bush is working to keep American families safe.
Passing the PATRIOT Act which has disrupted over one hundred and fifty terrorist threats and cells making sure the US is monitoring terrorist communications.
But some Democrats are working against these efforts to secure our country, opposing the PATRIOT Act and terrorist surveillance program.
Their leader is Russ Feingold.
Now Feingold and other Democrats want to censure the President. Publicly reprimanding President Bush for pursuing suspected members of al Qaeda.
Some Democrats are even calling for President Bushs impeachment.
Is this how Democrats plan to win the War on Terror?
Call Russ Feingold and ask him why hes more interested in censuring the President than protecting our freedom.
Paid for by the Republican National Committee not authorized by any candidate or candidates committee
The Republican National Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.
Yeah....and Feingold is already accusing the GOP of "using" the war for political reasons....LOL
The President is hammering away at the press and liberals for Iraq and the RNC is going after Feingold for his censure move.
I'm convinced that Feingold got the idea for censuring and impeaching the President from Karl Rove.
Bump for later.
Feingold is dangerously incompetent. Pass it along.
That's one of the WORST strawman arguments I have EVER seen.
The democrat party is "dangerously incompetent"...pass it on!!
Welcome to the wonderful world of sound-bite politics.
Note: most Evil Mind Control Devices have dials that only go up to 10. Karl Rove's goes up to 11. It's one higher.
Yeah, I noticed that ;-)
But that argument is so bad, it insults Republicans and will just piss off the DEMs. I have no objection to pissing off the DEMs, by the way, but the stupidity of this argument is an opening that they can use to ridicule the Republicans.
The purpose of the domestic wiretapping program is to capture terrorists, who are more than likely affiliated with al Quaeda. That's what he's trying to do, and the Democrats are trying to censure him for it.
where is this running....just online? On three peanut-whistle AM stations in Wisconsin? This one needs to go heavy, at the top and bottom of each hour, nationwide!
It is a great idea but I feel they are not executing it properly.
Prediction: RATS are going to lose just as bad this November as they did in 2004.
Care to make a bet on how long it will last after the first RAT crys foul?
Ok, perhaps I'm a bit slow here.
Feingold wants to censure Bush because of the wiretap issue. The wiretapping is intended to catch al Qaeda. So how is this censure not being done because Bush is "pursuing suspected members of al Qaeda"?
Explain the "strawman". I'm slow today.
It's an attempt to equate the objectionable (to Feingold) action with a universally desired result of nabbing terrorists. It's the GOP version of "for the children."
It's a false charge, that DEMs don't want to get terrorists.
I suppose you object to higher taxes, therefore you want to starve kids and make them illiterate? Same idea, different subject.
I have to admit, it's par for the depth of discussion that we're treated to by today's political parties.
Increasingly, I think that the 911 boat has left the harbor. While it is present in people's minds, it's not particularly prominent. The GOP has to be more than the 911 party to win - every day it fades in people's memories,
By the way, should another horrible terror attack happen, will we as a culture refer to it by its date in a similar way? I have wondered about that for a while.
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