>>>Yeah, people with kids and old passengers have no right, wanting to get out of traffic...who do they think they are?>>>
The HOV lanes weren't meant for, or designed for people who 'want to get out of traffic'. They were meant for CARPOOLERS. Now if you know of any kids and/or old people that are into carpooling, then fine.
The only exception would be for parents carpooling tykes to little league, etc...
What are the carpoolers doing, if not getting out of traffic?
How does one tell the difference between someone just being in the HOV with kids, and someone in the HOV, with kids, that is carpooling?
If you drive on I-64, in the Tidewater Va area, the lane leaving the bases is HOV from 1600-1800 m-f, it is usually completely empty, as is the one in the morning leading into the bases. Why should someone, going to or coming from work and picking up or dropping off their kids, not be allowed in these lanes?