McCain attacks free political speech - - bloggers in danger
McCain's Shovel: Digging the Free Speech Grave
NJ LEGISLATURE - ID of interactive computer services & Internet service
New Jersey State Republican Leader Wants to restrict 1st Amendment Rights on the Internet
Question for anyone: When is the House "recess" referred to in this entry?
By: Robert B. Bluey
Posted 03/15/06
11:39 PM
(H.R. 1606) and will take up the matter after the House recess.
The Rules Committee was in a closed session until about 6:15pm. Constrained by a Democratic fundraising dinner and unable to come to a compromise on a rule for 1606 - it's been pulled until after the recess.
Keep in mind, friends - the root of the problem is this: Wertheimer, McCain, Shays, etc - the entire band of folks that hate your ability to speak - are threatening to "take down" (or try) any rule that does not let them offer their substitute (4900) on the floor.
That would be the same group of people that howled bloody murder when HR1606 - AFTER having gone through Committee, was brought to the floor under suspension. But when it's their bill - apparently bypassing the committee structure altogether is just fine.
The booze made me get drunk, honest!