The obligatory "race" card was thrown, and a token "Bush's fault" inuendio. Operations remain normal in C(r)ook County.
Bookmarked: (Again!) under fraud, 2006.....
This is like a horse race at the old Saigon race track, where the result was decided by who doped best and last. Both sides are trying as hard as they can to fake ballots ans steal the election--the only question's which one's the beater thief.
"Black ballots"?
I doubt the author would ever say "White ballots" or "Asian ballots".
i was in Chicago last week. i skimmed the article and didn't see a mention of the fact that Stroger is in the hospital for a stroke. doctors were quoted as saying the situation doesn't look very good. the dems will get to appoint Stroger's successor should he win re-election and not be able to complete his term.
Illinois politics are becoming a laughingstock to the nation.
I live in Dupage county and it took me about 10 minutes from my car to voting and back to my car. I always have ID out whether they ask for it or not.
We use paper ballots and a marker--fill in the circle next to your choice. Voters put the finished ballot into a Scantron-type machine and you're done. I will never understand what's wrong with everyone using this method. Silly me, it's hard for demos to cheat when voters make a clear choice on their ballot.
Hubby and I can't wait for completion of our new house in Brentwood, TN--we're outta here.