And the liberal establishment will have a great time permitting some family to sue you because their drunken teenager hits it and suffers more damage because you decided to protect your property.
On top of that, I will be accused of being a "coward" when I suggest that the teen and his parents should have been more disciplined, rather than suggest that you murdered the teen for the sake of your property.
I don't intend to respond to some other posters who seem unable to hold two thoughts simultaneously. The man doing the shooting is a murderer. And it is very possible, based on reports that the authorities had been called in the past, that the dead teen was committed to making the man's life miserable.
I would expect more from Freepers who should be able to separate out these two issues. Being directed entirely by emotion is a liberal trait that results in many counter-productive laws.
Your first statement is true.
Your second statement is not necessarily accurate. Some people call the cops when it is not justified. Generally the cops know exactly who these people are. As do the other neighbors.
don't intend to respond to some other posters who seem unable to hold two thoughts simultaneously. The man doing the shooting is a murderer. And it is very possible, based on reports that the authorities had been called in the past, that the dead teen was committed to making the man's life miserable
Totally agree. Kids at times think they can do whatever they want, and they run into the person wound too tight.