"Dude, the guy was a fruitcake and proved himself to be a dangerous fruitcake. He blew some kid away who walked on his lawn. Perspective."
Nope, gross oversimplification that shows no understanding of human nature and consrquences down the line.
This kid was probably shot for activly asserting his right to be on that lawn.
In a reasonable society one call to the parents would have solved the problem. In a slightly less reasonable society one call to the cops would have solved the problem.
In a society that only sees simplicities such as you have stated human nature erupts.
The reason I respect others is because I want respect from others. This kid if he is like some guys i grew up with was probably a wise-ass with a passive-aggressive thing going and two really stupid parents. Oh yeah and an angry neighbor.
The kid was a teenager, of course he was a moron pushing the limits. That's what they do.