Taxes: Diane Alden is a big kidder.
That "government jobs" thingy is her attempt at humor.
The jobs and almost 100% of the spending resides in our economy. She knows that and is she upset.
Actually it really does sound like an ideal "democratic republic" Taxes-doggie...because that's afterall what it is.
No more "commercials" for Democrats OK? All they do is hate poorly and have literally no agenda whatsoever.
This wasn't a commercial for demorats. Believe me I wouldn't do that. However, it was a statement, not commercial, on the direction this country is headed. All one needs to do is see the direction that taxes are going. If that isn't a good indication I don't know what is.
In regards to Diane Alden, I do not believe that she was being humorous. I don't believe she writes humor. Maybe she hits the nail on the head too many times for your liking and therefore you consider it humor.