o HO!
getting sneaky on your King, are you?
Just spotted your tagline. shall I revise Da List?
Ya know? I almost pinged MikeInIraq a minute ago! I guess I'd better change MY ping list, as well!
Wouldnt think of since you seem to have it well in hand.
Why is it you trolls ALWAYS want to go genocidal when the MSM claims things are getting tough??????????? Frikin idiots.
LOL! Well is takes a real genius to make the leap from cracking down to genocide speaking of idiots...Sigh!
But then it is always the tactic of emotional midgets to attack the messenger and falsify the argument when they cannot deal with the actual issues the messenger raises.
But hey here we are in 2006 and we should just continue the 19th century tactics with alley and house-to-house fighting for our guys Sigh
This is not the only news outlet reporting this. I wonder how often Allegra gets outside the wire and takes a stroll around Baghdad? Sitting in some protected enclave in Baghdad makes here an expert on the pulse if every day Iraqis? How many has she interviewed? And gee the air strikes this morning seem to be some cracking down so they must be genocidal trolls? Friggen idiot is right