I know that Stephen Hayes...that has been writing about this for months and months...has said that at first the thought was to have it all translated...
BUT, when told it could take a very long time...with the limited translators they have...plus, the chance that those that don't want to believe there were WMDs anyway, might question that actua translation...
It would be better to just "dump" them...and let the "public" decide.
However, I guess Negroponte at first said that there wasn't much there....and now is saying it isn't good to release them because of the possible intelligence that could be gleaned from them...so go figure.
Yes, I just heard Stephen Hayes on the radio today, and also Pete Hoekstra. They both said there are approximately two million documents. Can you imagine how many man hours to translate that many docs? Yikes.
Well, Bush effectively ordered Negoponte to release them, which is why it is finally happened.