1 posted on
03/15/2006 5:17:02 PM PST by
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To: Spiff
McInsane. He and Dean... Brothers across the aisle.
2 posted on
03/15/2006 5:18:58 PM PST by
King Prout
(DOWN with the class-enemies at Google! LONG LIVE THE PEOPLE'S CUBE!)
To: Spiff
John McCain, R-Ariz., Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass.
3 posted on
03/15/2006 5:21:11 PM PST by
(Have You Forgotten?)
To: Spiff
a guard from the Russell Building come out, take McCain by the arm and pull him inside the building. MSM has probably interviewed the guard and has a hit piece awaiting the beast's orders.
4 posted on
03/15/2006 5:23:27 PM PST by
(Dead terrorists smell like victory)
To: Spiff
Johnny has some ass cursing at 9/11 families.
What an arrogant ass.
5 posted on
03/15/2006 5:23:41 PM PST by
(The Moonbats Need an Enema)
To: Spiff
Senator McQueeg strikes again!! Where are those GD strawberries anyway?????
This guy is so unstable, he makes the former '05 earthquake in San Fran look reasonable!!
6 posted on
03/15/2006 5:24:40 PM PST by
(never had a vote count in all my years here)
To: Spiff
"Joan, Bruce and I approached him identified ourselves as 9/11 family members. We told him we opposed his amnesty bill and of our promise to hold accountable members of Congress who vote for it for the acts of violence that result."
No so fast. While I may not agree with McCain on many issues, trying to equate 9/11 terrorists with the cheap labor coming into america are two different problems. albeit they are both huge problems.
One problem is immediate catastrophic terrorism. The other is slow catastrophic immigration issues. Talk to Bush about the immigration issues. I think he has the terrorism issues covered, except for the portgate fiasco.
okay guys, pile on.
7 posted on
03/15/2006 5:25:18 PM PST by
Tulsa Ramjet
("If not now, when?")
To: Spiff
Fine, we all know he has a temper. Get big publicity, debate him, beat him, show him for what he is and that will be that.
To: Spiff
That's one reason why he should never be President. You don't want a guy who blows his stack with his finger on the nuclear trigger. I can think of plenty of reasons to disqualify John McCain - and that's one. Another is his stand on illegal immigration.
(Denny Crane: "I Don't Want To Socialize With A Pinko Liberal Democrat Commie. Say What You Like About Republicans. We Stick To Our Convictions. Even When We Know We're Dead Wrong.")
9 posted on
03/15/2006 5:26:11 PM PST by
(In Memory Of A Dearly Beloved Friend Who Lives On In My Heart Forever)
To: Spiff
The McPainiac RINO
11 posted on
03/15/2006 5:29:27 PM PST by
(Duty, Honor, Country. What else needs to be said?)
To: Spiff
These folks are lucky that his taxpayer provided bodyguards did not beat them to within an inch of their lives!
12 posted on
03/15/2006 5:29:34 PM PST by
(It is a shame that when these people give a riot)
To: Spiff
I think the cheese has fallen off his cracker.
13 posted on
03/15/2006 5:29:38 PM PST by
capt. norm
(If you can't make a mistake, you can't make anything.)
To: Spiff
Has this been reported somewhere other than this blog?
Several 9-11 groups have radicalized.
To: Spiff
McCain is dangerous. His own personal mental instability combined with the generic Washington elitism, has really screwed up his head.
19 posted on
03/15/2006 5:31:40 PM PST by
To: Spiff
McKennedy....no Amnesty for Illegals for you...
Your time is done.
To: Spiff
Keep it up, demand accountability for his foibles. Queeg will snap so publicly someday that there is no way he will be President, much less nominated.
26 posted on
03/15/2006 5:38:21 PM PST by
(Religion of Peace or Cult of Death? How much evidence exists for either one?)
To: Spiff
He is a mean spirited self indulgent promoter of himself, for himself, by himself with backing from those he can return favors to. 100% politician!!!!
To: Spiff
May as well get used to it folks, amnesty for illegals is on the way. Our congress is bought and paid for. Illegals are held in higher regard than an American citizen. There are too many current scams to mention taking place in this country being run by American companies with illegals benefiting and the American taxpayer picking up the tab. The FBI is involved in several cases at this time. The media is covering this up, and not telling the taxpayers about the scams. In the mean time all of congress is receiving big money to look the other way. I would be willing to bet that since 9-11 more Americans have been killed by illegals, in one way or another, than were killed on 9-11. Think that fact will ever make the media? Don't hold your breath waiting.
Yes folks, it's over. Illegals run the show in America now, and we citizen are only beginning to see what is going to take place. Smile, our leaders hate the citizens and love the illegals.
29 posted on
03/15/2006 5:39:18 PM PST by
(oh forget it, illegals have more rights than citizens do.)
To: Spiff
Graham said he plays golf, that most of the courses he plays on use illegal alien labor, and that he, like many other Americans is happy to benefit from that cheap labor.
A U.S. Senator publicly admits he knows of multiple federal crimes currently being committed and that he benefits from those federal crimes. Where is the Senate leadership? Why would they allow someone who admits he benefits from multiple federal crimes to retain his seat?
Graham should be brought up on ethics charges tomorrow.
31 posted on
03/15/2006 5:40:20 PM PST by
To: Spiff
It would be fun to get McCain and Dean together for a stereo scream session.
32 posted on
03/15/2006 5:40:37 PM PST by
Steely Tom
(Your taboos are not my taboos.)
To: Spiff
What does John McCain want to be? An Honorable human being, or President of the United States? Apparently to him, they are not compatible.
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