"I don't understand, Milosevic was a Communist. Why do so many people here seem to worship him?"
I'm just curious why a Communist would have such support among those of us here.
You need to complicate your worldview some.
Slobo was a Yugoslav Communist - that is not the same thing as say a Soviet Communist. The Yugoslav variety was more like Swedish Socialists with an iron glove. Calling Slobo a Commie is like calling Mussolini a Nazi.
Secondly, I will ask you a question in the same manner you did to answer your question -
I don't understand, Milosevic was a Communist the enemies Mislosevic fought were extermist Muslims with ties to Bin Laden's al-Qaeda and other crazy Muslim groups. Why do so many people here seem to worship him the al-Qaeda backed Muslims he defended his country against?" I'm just curious why a Communist someone who fought al-Qaeda allied Muslims long before 9/11 would have such support among those of us here.
Lastly, we types support Milosevis against the very concept of a UN criminal court. No matter how unsavory a character Milosevic was the UN court is an evil concept and even a criminal's rights need defending for our sake not just his.
How's that for an answer?