It once had a far more useful, because of far more specific, meaning. From 1910 to 1915 a group of Protestant scholars published ninety articles, which were eventually compiled into twelve books, defending such things as the inspiration of Scripture, the virgin birth, the deity of Christ, and a host of others.
People who affirmed these doctrines were properly termed "fundamentalists."
Now "fundamentalist" is used to designate anybody of any group who sincerely believes the published doctrines of the group (fundamentalist Democrat, fundamentalist Druid, even fundamentalist Darwinist) --- but with the pejorative connotation that the individual is also
Let's retire "fundamentalist" and find a more acccurate terms, shall we?
Let's retire "fundamentalist" and find a more acccurate terms, shall we?
Fine with me. How does 'fanatic' -- or 'zealot' sound to you?