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To: proud_yank; billhilly; SJackson; Diana in Wisconsin

Can you believe there are people right here on FR that actually believe PETA is a harmless animal welfare organization?

Thanks for pinging me on this thread. I haven't had time in a while to check Looks like I've been missing some good stuff.

Many years ago I found the truth about PETA. It was obvious back when Rodney Coronado and ALF had PETA announce all their "actions," and when PETA paid Coronado's legal expenses that PETA was simply a front for the more radical AR group. To find out what PETA's goals are one only has to read the words of their leaders.

The AR groups in Europe are years ahead of the U.S. with their terrorist (violent) activities, and the American counterparts are studying those across the pond and hope to follow their example. I always wondered why the FBI didn't shut PETA down.

And many more people, including many freepers, don't want to believe the Humane Society of the U.S. is just as bad as PETA, as far as the goals of the leaders in that organization. HSUS, unlike PETA, tries to maintain a more mainstream image for fundraising purposes, but the evidence is there -- they too are radicals (and CROOKS).

One of the most chilling things I have ever read was a true story about an undercover reporter who infiltrated ALF many years ago, and was burned (third degree burns) all over his body in retaliation. These people are not non-violent "peaceful" animal lovers.

And the freeper who posted above saying PETA is not a terrorist organization needs to read the words of Ingrid Newkirk, who (paraphrase) hopes mad cow disease spreads all over the U.S. I actually look for these freaks to eventually attempt bioterrorism.

33 posted on 03/14/2006 5:11:56 PM PST by girlangler (I'd rather be fishing)
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To: girlangler
Can you believe there are people right here on FR that actually believe PETA is a harmless animal welfare organization?

PETA, they're just animal lovers, aren't they?




Peta Files: The Dark Side of the Animal Rights Movement
By Dave Workman


Greenpeace, Earth First!, PETA: Radical Fringe Tactics Move Toward Center Stage
By Neil Hrab
March 8, 2004

PETA's Ties to Terrorism
By Cam Edwards
December 23, 2005

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals: Profile

Academic Facilitators of Eco-Terrorism
By Bruce S. Thornton
January 31, 2003

Political Radicalism and Animal Rights: People For The Ethical Treatment of Animals
By Brian Tubbs
January 1, 2003

Cruel and Unusual
By Iain Murray and Ivan Osorio
January 2006

PETA: Elephants Better Off Dead Than Fed
Center for Consumer Freedom
February 16, 2006

Animal Passions
By Lowell Ponte
April 4, 2001

PETA Cheapens the Holocaust
By Joseph J. Sabia
October 16, 2003

Watching the Pro-Terror Left
By Ben Johnson
July 19, 2005

Animal Lover, PETA Hater
Center for Consumer Freedom
February 1, 2006

Time to Close PETA Down?
Center for Consumer Freedom
January 30, 2006

Better Answers: The Case for Judeo-Christian Values, Part IV
By Dennis Prager
February 8, 2005

Animal 'Holocaust' On The Supreme Court's Plate?
Center for Consumer Freedom
January 9, 2006

Attending The PETA Class Reunion? Bring Your Parole Officer
Center for Consumer Freedom
January 5, 2006

How PETA Indoctrinates Your Kids
By Steven Milloy
May 18, 2005

PETA, Saddam's Paperwork, and More
By The Scrapbook
January 2, 2006

Rock Icon Endorses PETA, Violence
Center for Consumer Freedom
February 15, 2006

Enjoy Your Thanksgiving Turkey and Tell PETA To Stuff It
Center for Consumer Freedom
November 28, 2005

Animal Rights Extremists in the Classroom
By Scott Rubush
February 25, 2002

Eco-Terrorists on the Loose
By Doug Bandow
September 23, 2003

The Terror of "Animal Rights"
By Alex Epstein
February 6, 2004

PETA is Full of SHEETA
By Doug Giles
October 9, 2005

PETA Pam Pelts Carnivores
By David Yeagley
February 2, 2006

The PETA Principle
By Bill Whalen
June 22, 2005

The Fearmongers

501 Front Street
Norfolk, VA

Phone :757-622-7382
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals's Visual Map

  • The largest animal-rights organization in the world
  • Founded by activists Ingrid Newkirk and Alex Pacheco
  • Creates controversial and often vulgar campaigns in order to garner publicity for its cause
  • Vocally and financially supports the efforts of the Animal Liberation Front, a domestic terrorist group
  • Preaches the dogma of "animal liberation," but euthanizes thousands of animals
  • Enlists the aid of celebrity endorsers to legitimize its efforts


Ostensibly dedicated to "establishing and protecting the rights of all animals," People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is the largest animals rights organization in the world. Founded in 1980 and boasting a current membership of more than 850,000, PETA regards itself as an international nonprofit charitable organization. It maintains offices in Norfolk, Virginia; the United Kingdom; Germany; Asia-Pacific; and India.

PETA operates under a simple, self-stated principle - "that animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, or use for entertainment." Through the implementation of multifaceted media campaigns against fast-food companies, the creation of public service announcements featuring celebrity vegetarians, the organization of protests and rallies against the use of fur, and the persistent lobbying of legislators, PETA's public persona is one of both education and activism. Like its ideological kin on the environmental and animal-rights Left, PETA places greater value on the welfare of animals than on the welfare of human beings.

PETA focuses its efforts on four main areas in which it believes that "the largest numbers of animals suffer the most intensely for the longest periods of time." These are: factory farms, laboratories, the clothing industry, and the entertainment industry. Moreover, the group condemns the killing of pest animals, the use of animals in sports, and even the utilization of seeing-eye dogs for the blind.

PETA was founded by animal activists Ingrid Newkirk and Alex Pacheco, who were inspired by ethics philosopher Peter Singer's book Animal Liberation; Newkirk continues to head the organization to this day. Throughout its history, PETA has tried numerous methods to bring a halt to what it deems abusive practices against animals - including calls for consumer boycotts of animal-tested products, and the enlistment of Members of Congress friendly to their cause. Among its accomplishments, the organization counts the following: an investigation of contract testing on animals by cosmetics companies, leading to a permanent ban on animal testing by Benetton, Avon, Revlon, and Estée Lauder; worldwide protests pressuring McDonald's to become the first fast-food chain to agree to improve the living conditions of farm animals; and the decision by national chain stores such as Target, Walgreen's, and Rite Aid to stop selling a toy known as AquaBabies, in which fish and frogs are kept in a small habitat container, which PETA views as imprisonment.

PETA, which has been described by Newkirk as an organization composed of "complete press sluts," performs many dramatic and often vulgar stunts in order to garner media attention for its cause. From throwing buckets of red paint on people wearing furs, to enlisting actresses and models to wear lettuce fashioned as bikinis in order to promote veganism, PETA embraces controversy. One particular method that PETA's campaigns employ is the use of religious themes. One of its advertisements, for instance, claimed that Jesus was a vegetarian. In a 2003 ad condemning the consumption of ham on Easter, PETA created a billboard featuring the photograph of a pig and a caption that read, "He Died For Your Sins - Go Vegetarian."  Said PETA spokesman William Rivas-Rivas, "All our faith-based billboards are meant to promote compassion, compassion for all God's creatures."

PETA has also aimed its message toward members of the Jewish faith. In addition to condemning the tradition of the Kosher slaughter, in one campaign PETA invoked the tragedy and loss of the Holocaust, equating the mass death of Jews with the wholesale slaughtering of animals for meat production. The campaign, titled "Holocaust on Your Plate," declared that "like the Jews murdered in concentration camps, animals are terrorized when they are housed in huge filthy warehouses and rounded up for shipment to slaughter. The leather sofa and handbag are the moral equivalent of the lampshades made from the skins of people killed in the death camps." When the Anti-Defamation League condemned the ad, PETA defended its position on grounds that "the logic and methods employed in factory farms and slaughterhouses are analogous to those used in concentration camps." PETA remarked that in both instances, there exists a "concept of other cultures or other species as deficient and thus disposable, and that this indifference allows the slaughter to continue."

In another campaign of recent years, PETA has called, unsuccessfully, for such cities as Hamburg and Frankfurt, Germany to change their names due to the association with the exploitation of animals for food (hamburgers and hotdogs, respectively). The organization has also asked the town of Fishkill, New York to change its name.

Many of PETA's campaigns are directed specifically at children, and the organization has created a website,, that indoctrinates youngsters in its ideology. On this website, children are taught, among other things, to oppose the wearing of fur clothing, to boycott zoos and circuses, to abstain from drinking drink milk, to refuse to participate in science classes that require animal dissections, and to "save animals' lives" by becoming vegetarians. PETA also produces a magazine for children titled GRRR! Kids Bite Back, which derives its name from the catchphrase, "Bite Back," popularized by the domestic terrorist group the Animal Liberation Front (ALF). PETA has also produced a comic pamphlet, called "Your Mommy Kills Animals!," which depicts a woman stabbing a rabbit and is intended to arouse children's outrage at the prospect of their mothers wearing fur garments. A counterpart pamphlet, titled "Your Daddy Kills Animals!," compares fathers who go fishing to predators who steal children, and advises youngsters to keep their family dog and cat away from their father, lest he try to kill them as well.

Newkirk herself is intent on fashioning her own death into a PETA campaign. It has been reported that in her will, Newkirk has asked that her body be processed into Newkirk Nuggets (akin to chicken nuggets), which she stipulates must be grilled on a barbeque. She also asks that her feet be amputated and turned into umbrella stands and that her body be skinned and manufactured into wallets.

In 2005, PETA sought to compare animals to slaves in its campaign titled, "Are Animals the New Slaves?" This campaign featured an exhibit in Montgomery, Alabama, the birthplace of the Civil Rights movement, which drew analogies between the past enslavement of African-Americans and present-day cruelty to animals. The press release for the exhibit stated:

"The exhibit reminds observers that not long ago, it wasn't just other animals who were persecuted because they were deemed inferior. The display includes images of slaves who were chained, beaten, branded, and forcibly separated from their families; Native Americans who were evicted from their ancestral lands; women who fought for the right not to be treated as their husbands' property; and children forced to work long hours in dangerous and unhealthy conditions. Today, animals are chained and beaten to perform in circuses; poisoned and cut open in laboratories; and bludgeoned, drowned, and electrocuted for their skins. Mothers and their offspring are separated, auctioned off, mutilated, and killed for their flesh."

"'Today, we all remember the abuses of the past as shameful and wrong yet forget that changes only came about after an uphill battle to open people's hearts and minds to the plight of others,' says PETA President Ingrid E. Newkirk. 'We're calling for that same consideration now for feeling, thinking animals who are exploited, hurt, and killed for reasons that are no longer tolerable in a just society.'"

This comparison between human and animal life is a reccurring theme in PETA's work. Says Newkirk, "When it comes to feelings such as pain, fear, hunger, and thirst, a rat is a pig is a dog is a boy." This moral equivalence not only fuses PETA's public campaigns, but also leads the organization to forge alliances with animal rights extremists and domestic terrorist outfits.

In the "Frequently Asked Questions" section of its website, PETA poses the question, "How can you justify the millions of dollars of property damage caused by the Animal Liberation Front (ALF)?" It answers as follows:

"Throughout history, some people have felt the need to break the law to fight injustice. The Underground Railroad and the French Resistance are examples of movements in which people broke the law in order to answer to a higher morality. The ALF, which is simply the name adopted by people who act illegally in behalf of animal rights, breaks inanimate objects such as stereotaxic devices and decapitators in order to save lives. ALF members burn empty buildings in which animals are tortured and killed. ALF 'raids' have given us proof of horrific cruelty that would not have otherwise been discovered or believed and have resulted in criminal charges' being filed against laboratories for violations of the Animal Welfare Act. Often, ALF raids have been followed by widespread scientific condemnation of the practices occurring in the targeted labs, and some abusive laboratories have been permanently shut down as a result."

ALF, which holds a spot on the FBI's list of terrorist organizations, is the most active, extreme animal-rights group in America. Its self-defined mission is "to effectively allocate resources (time and money) to reduce animal suffering in the world." Toward this end, ALF states that it "carries out direct action against animal abuse in the form of rescuing animals and causing financial loss to animal exploiters, usually through the damage and destruction of property." Between 1997 and 2003, ALF caused, in conjunction with the radical environmentalist Earth Liberation Front, approximately $43 million in property damage.

PETA's hierarchy has made a number of specific statements in support of ALF and other radical groups. In a 1991 press release, for instance, PETA stated, "We cannot condemn the Animal Liberation Front ... they act courageously ... [their activities] comprise an important part of today's animal protection movement." PETA's so-called "vegan campaign director," Bruce Friedrich, at an animal rights convention in 2001, said to the throngs in attendance, "blowing stuff up and smashing windows [is] a great way to bring about animal liberation." In 1989, PETA co-founder Alex Pacheco opined, "Arson, property destruction, burglary, and theft are acceptable crimes when used for the animal cause." Newkirk herself has said, "I will be the last person to condemn ALF."

But in addition to merely voicing support for the actions and activities of ALF, PETA has also lent financial aid to the terrorist group and to some of its key members. In 1997, PETA gave $2,000 to ALF, following the latter's firebombing of the Utah Fur Breeders Agricultural Co-op. In 1999, PETA gave an additional $2,000 to ALF spokesman David Wilson. In 2000, PETA gave $5,000 to the "Josh Harper Support Committee," named for an ALF member who had been arrested and convicted of assaulting a police officer.

The most egregious example of PETA's support for terrorism involves the case of ALF member Rodney Coronado. In 1995 Coronado was arrested for an act of arson at Michigan State University, which caused millions of dollars worth of damage, and for which Coronado was sentenced to 57 months in prison. At his sentencing, it was learned that PETA president Ingrid Newkirk had arranged for Coronado to send her two FedEx packages containing documents that Coronado had seized from the University's research facility, as well as photographs of Coronado in a ski mask - the typical outfit worn by ALF members. Following the incident and Coronado's subsequent arrest, PETA gave $45,200 to his "support committee," plus an additional loan of $25,000 to Coronado's father. In her book, Free the Animals! The Untold Story of the U.S. Animal Liberation Front and Its Founder, 'Valerie,' Newkirk writes: "The ALF has, over the years, trusted People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) to receive copies of the evidence of wrongdoing … I have also become somewhat used to jumping on a plane with copies of freshly purloined documents and hurriedly calling news conferences to discuss the ALF's findings."

It was reported that after his release from jail, at a 2003 event at American University, Coronado taught students how to turn a milk jug into a firebomb. Using this technique, days later ALF members attempted to burn down a McDonald's restaurant in Chico, California.

In addition to its support for ALF, PETA has also sought to inject its own agendas into discussions about acts of international terrorism. In 2003, for instance, following a report of a donkey laden with explosives that was used in a Palestinian terrorist attempt to kill Israeli soldiers, Newkirk wrote a letter to Palestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat (who she addressed as "Your Excellency"), calling for him to "appeal to all those who listen to [him] to leave the animals out of this conflict." Newkirk did not ask Arafat to put an end to all suicide bombings, but implored rather that animals not be used in such attacks.

Following the 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York City and Washington, D.C., PETA issued a press release that said the following: "Due to the tremendous loss of human lives, there will undoubtedly be many animals left orphaned. Other animals are trapped in buildings that have been evacuated and to which people have learned they are unable to return. PETA's headquarters is receiving calls from desperate New York City residents whose companion animals are trapped inside now vacated apartments, some so close to the World Trade Center that the animals inside can only be highly traumatized by the explosions, the sirens, the noise, the shaking ground, the smoke, and now the unexplained absence of their families."

PETA further used the occasion to criticize Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, declaring that he "has a poor record when it comes to animals." At the end of the press release, PETA provided contact information for the mayor, and urged, "If you have a difficult time getting through to Mayor Giuliani due to phone line trouble, please don't give up; keep trying." This occurred while Giuliani was dealing with the largest loss of human life stemming from a single event in American history.

PETA had previously made headlines as a result of its correspondences with Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh, who was convicted for the 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, in which 168 people died and some 500 were wounded. McVeigh chose (by PETA's urging) to eat vegetarian cuisine as his final meal before his execution. Regarding this, PETA's vegan campaign coordinator Bruce Friedrich said, "Mr. McVeigh's decision to go vegetarian groups him with some of the world's greatest visionaries, including Albert Schweitzer, Mohandas Gandhi, Leo Tolstoy and Albert Einstein, all of whom advocated vegetarianism as an extension of humanitarianism."

In light of PETA's ostensibly hardline stance on animal rights and animal liberation, it is surprising for most people to learn that PETA actually kills many animals. Between 1998 and 2004, PETA reportedly euthanized more than 12,400 dogs, cats, and other animals at its headquarters in Norfolk, Virginia.

In June of 2005, police arrested PETA employees Andrew Benjamin Cook and Adria Joy Hinkle, who were attempting to dispose of dead animals in a garbage dumpster in Ahoskie, North Carolina. Police had observed that more than 100 animal carcasses had been dumped at the particular location every Wednesday over a month's time. The two PETA employees were charged with 22 felony charges of animal cruelty.  They were also charged with three additional felony charges of "obtaining property by false pretense," due to their euthanizing of three cats, obtained from a veterinarian, for which PETA had promised to find new homes. In response to these allegations, Newkirk said, "PETA has never made a secret of the fact that most of the animals picked up in North Carolina are euthanized."

PETA's income for 2004 reportedly exceeded $28 Million. The organization has received funding from such sources as: the Glaser Progress Foundation, which was founded by RealNetworks, Inc creator Rob Glaser; Animal Charities of America; American Foundation Corporation; the Park Foundation; the Richard and Marcy Horvitz Foundation; the Pond Foundation; the Diane Warren Foundation; the Alexander Foundation, and the Tides Foundation. In 2005, the Comedy Central Network donated $200,000 to PETA in recompense for celebrity animal-rights activist Pamela Anderson's appearance at a celebrity roast.

PETA has also attracted support from numerous celebrities over the years. These include such notables as Joaquin Phoenix; Charlize Theron; Anna Nicole Smith; Pink; Moby; Dennis Rodman; Martina Navratilova; Sean Astin; Paul McCartney; Christy Turlington; Chrissie Hynde; Michael Stipe; Belinda Carlisle; Alicia Silverstone; Lorenzo Lamas; Howard Jones; the Indigo Girls; Good Charlotte; Alec Baldwin; and Bill Maher.

35 posted on 03/14/2006 5:22:45 PM PST by SJackson (There is but one language which can be held to these people, and this is terror, William Eaton)
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To: girlangler
Sorry, wrong PETA

People Eating Tasty AnimalsPeople Eating Tasty Animals

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Welcome to People Eating Tasty Animals online! The acronym "PeTA" is commonly known to stand for "People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals" - a radical and dangerous animal rights group closely involved with the terrorist movement "ALF" (Animal Liberation Front). Well, now PETA stands for People Eating Tasty Animals, too! This web site, inspired by the late (and great) Dan Fegan, is dedicated to shedding light on the movement known as "animal rights" and to putting people first when it comes to animal-related issues. We wish to show the truth behind the animal rights movement, why we disagree with the animal rights philosophy, and give facts (not just theories) on why the idea of "animal rights" is wrong.

Thanks for visiting! If you have any questions or concernes about the content of this site, feel free to email me! :)

Informative Articles
Soy Products Can be Dangerous to Your Health

Veg*n Diet Causes Severe Health Problems for Kids

Man's Blindness Linked to Vegan Diet
Impotency Warning
"The Myths of Vegetarianism", by Stephen Byrnes, ND, RNCP
"Why I am Not a Vegetarian" by Dr. William T. Jarvis
"High Protein Diets: Separating Fact From Fiction", by Stephen Byrnes, ND, RNCP
"Animal 'Rights' and the New Man Haters", by By Edwin Locke, Ph.D.
Taste for Meat
"Animal Welfare vs. Animal Rights, What's the Difference?"

A good book to read - Animal Rights: The Inhumane Crusade, by Daniel T. Oliver

Important News
True Accounts of Hatred and Violence Against People Over Animals

State Supreme Court Upholds 'Hunter Harassment' Law
PCRM Exposed!
Support Makah Whaling!
PeTA Targets Boy Scouts of America with Anti-Fishing Rhetoric
PeTA Wants "Mountain Men and the History of the Old West" Banned from Elementary School
PeTA's New Tactic: Target Children Where They Eat
PeTA Wants the Green Bay Packers to Become the "Pickers" Instead
PeTA Slams "Survivor" Television Series
PeTA's Anti-Milk Campaign Failing Miserably
PeTA's Anti-milk Ad Angers New York's Mayor
Berosini Vs. PeTA
Ringling Bros. on PAWS Lawsuits
Crackdown on Animal Rights Activists in Britian
Bayer Supports Animal Welfare at Iditarod Despite Squeals From Animal Rights Fanatics to Stop

Extra Stuff
What's Wrong With Jane Fonda?
Hillary's Hypocrisy

Other Tasty Sites
Dan's PETA page
Mike's PETA page (the original)

Humor (not meant to be taken seriously, in case you couldn't figure that out)

You might be an animal rights activist if...
Animal Rights Activists Release 71,000 Cows Into the Wild
PeTA Commandos Kill 49 People to Save 1 Rabbit
The Bambi Killers Page
The Army of the Twelve Cabbages

Other Informative Sites
Beyond Vegetarianism
Meat Matters
Meat UK
Countryside Alliance
National Animal Interest Alliance
Man In Nature
HAPETA (Humans Against PeTA)
PATHWAI (People Against Treating Humans Worse than Animals, International)
SPADA (Smart People Against Dumb Asses)
Piss On Peta
Americans For Medical Progress
Animal Agriculture Alliance
Trojan Horse of Animal Protectionism
Anti-AR Links
More Anti-AR Links
The Banning of Hunting is an Affront to Freedom
Washington State Horse Council
The Weston A. Price Foundation
The Soy Online Service

Outdoor Links - For hunters, fishers, trappers, and other outdoor enthusiasts.
These are good sites to visit if you are interested in hunting or fishing, or if you just want some good information (from the source) about these activities and the people who participate in them. Some of these sites have articles posted by hunters and fishers about their activities and personal experiences in the field. If you are a non/anti-hunter/fisher, reading these articles may help you better understand the psyche of the human predator.

U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance
Izaak Walton League of America
Outdoor Life
Field & Stream
Hunt 4 Life
Outdoor Site
Mossy Oak
Hoyt USA
Becoming an Outdoors-Woman (BOW)

Site Meter

PETA • People Eating Tasty Animals

I love animals...they taste great!

37 posted on 03/14/2006 5:24:36 PM PST by SJackson (There is but one language which can be held to these people, and this is terror, William Eaton)
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