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Creationism to be taught on GCSE science syllabus (you can't keep a good idea down)
The Times of London ^
| 10 March 2006
| Tony Halpin
Posted on 03/09/2006 6:55:14 PM PST by Greg o the Navy
click here to read article
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This is an increasingly powerful movement. I'm happy to see that it's sucking air out of the liberal agenda in another country.
To: Greg o the Navy
Materialist darwinists have created a backlash as a result of their insufferable arrogance and hair-trigger quickness to use the power of the state to crush honest and fair-minded critics of evolution theory.
I'm not a creationist, but I have NO sympathy for the darwinists.
posted on
03/09/2006 6:59:30 PM PST
To: Greg o the Navy
I still don't understand how creationism is science. Do we teach that gravity is an intelligent hand pushing you down? Scientists don't normally give up and say "Well... I am not sure of the answer so it must be designed that way by some unknown (or known) intelligence". That doesn't seem to be science to me.
posted on
03/09/2006 7:13:27 PM PST
(Anti-social and anti-socialist)
To: Greg o the Navy
It's probably a question like "There are 100 paleontologists in a room. The average IQ in the room is 140. 100 Creationists enter the room. How many points is the average IQ lowered?"
To: DaveLoneRanger
posted on
03/09/2006 7:16:15 PM PST
(Welfare was never meant to be a career choice.)
To: trashcanbred
Nobody is saying *creationsim* IS science but most people simply do not see anything wrong with it being addressed when discussing the ORIGIN of life. IMO, science is restricting itself too much in an attempt to keep ANY *non-natural* explanation out of the picture. Insisting that there is no supernatural explanation, starts scientific inquiry with a presumption. This biases their views and conclusions, whether scientists like to admit it or not.
posted on
03/09/2006 7:22:31 PM PST
(Welfare was never meant to be a career choice.)
To: JCEccles
Materialist darwinists have created a backlash as a result of their insufferable arrogance and hair-trigger quickness to use the power of the state to crush honest and fair-minded critics of evolution theory. I'm not a creationist, but I have NO sympathy for the darwinists.
But you give yourself away. You call your opponents "Materialist darwinists," and there is only one group who does that. See the The Wedge Strategy for more details.
And let me guess, your "honest and fair-minded critics of evolution theory" is based on the bible?
Am I close?
Do you also believe in a young earth and a global flood?
posted on
03/09/2006 7:23:12 PM PST
(I love the sound of beta decay in the morning!)
To: metmom
Insisting that there is no supernatural explanation, starts scientific inquiry with a presumption. This biases their views and conclusions, whether scientists like to admit it or not. You are right. Grandfather Coyote is the creator, just as Native Americans thought all along.
Do you have a problem with this?
posted on
03/09/2006 7:25:38 PM PST
(I love the sound of beta decay in the morning!)
To: trashcanbred
That doesn't seem to be science to me.
True. But just assume for a minute we were designed by a higher power. In that case, no matter what science comes up with will be wrong, since they do not allow for that possibility. It will be science. But it will also be wrong.
posted on
03/09/2006 7:26:41 PM PST
To: Greg o the Navy
There's a place in science classes for creationism. Abnormal Psychology for sure.
posted on
03/09/2006 7:28:31 PM PST
(I have the updated "Your brain on creationism" on my homepage.)
To: microgood
But just assume for a minute we were designed by a higher power. In that case, no matter what science comes up with will be wrong, since they do not allow for that possibility. It will be science. But it will also be wrong. So, what? Should we all just give up in the meantime? Give up and go back to the caves?
Not for me. I like microwaves and medicines and all the rest. I could chip you a good arrowhead if necessary, in about 30 seconds, but I prefer supermarkets.
You go back to the Dark Ages, thanks. I'll stay here and support science.
posted on
03/09/2006 7:33:20 PM PST
(I love the sound of beta decay in the morning!)
To: JCEccles
I'm not a creationist, but I have NO sympathy for the darwinists.
Just out of curiosity
What are you then?
posted on
03/09/2006 7:35:03 PM PST
To: Coyoteman
Supermarkets rule placemarker.
posted on
03/09/2006 7:35:43 PM PST
(Come and see my new profile! Now with corrected spelling!)
Comment #14 Removed by Moderator
To: DaveLoneRanger
Gotta get some popcorn 'bookmark'
posted on
03/09/2006 7:41:43 PM PST
Comment #16 Removed by Moderator
Comment #17 Removed by Moderator
To: Strategerist
It's probably a question like "There are 100 paleontologists in a room. The average IQ in the room is 140. 100 Creationists enter the room. How many points is the average IQ lowered?"
Oh thats easy -100.
posted on
03/09/2006 7:49:23 PM PST
Boiler Plate
(Mom also said why be difficult when with just a little more effort you can be impossible.)
To: Greg o the Navy
This is an increasingly powerful movement. Yeah, but a totally non-functional hypothesis.
posted on
03/09/2006 7:50:55 PM PST
(pas de lieu, Rhone que nous)
To: Coyoteman
If you think "Grandfather Coyote" is do you
feel about "Mother Nature"?
posted on
03/09/2006 7:54:57 PM PST
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