About time
"an expired inspection sticker, an expired driver's license and dubious proof of insurance. The cost of his traffic infractions: $675 and a wait in line recently at Houston Municipal Court."
He got off easy. For three simultaneous violations in a traffic stop in Georgia you go to jail.
Like the wise man said: Subsidize what you want more of; tax what you want less of.
After the law goes into effect- We dedicate this new Post Office, Library, School, Hospital etc. brought to you by Senator Ted "hiccup" Kennedy.
Now there's a classy individual... NOT!
Around here they don't assess all those things if you don't have to go to court. It has been a long time since I got a ticket but I always ask if I can mail the fine.
Wake up Virginia - this sounds very much like the Senate transportation TAX increase..........
Obviously the next step is to provide us with dormitories, or domociles of some type, assign us to group work teams, feed us two or three times a day, and all "money" goes directly to Them, for our own and others' good.
Might as well get rid of the middlemen.
Somebody finally put it all together.
About time
All that's good to know...evertime people holler" Why doesn't the government do something about this?" We need to remember it'll cost us 50 times more than it's really worth than if we'd done it as individuals.
I hear this rubbish from every pencil-pusher in government. The only "services" I want are roads (and their associated maintenance), armed services, police (doing their jobs, not revenue collection) and fire. All the other things government has involved itself in are of no consequence to me and paying for them should not be involuntary, especially when there is no law on the books requiring the fees. It cries out for a test case.
This is just like the tax on 'illegal money-wiring' on another thread.
Any 'bad behavior' is an excuse to tax.
Hypothetically speaking, if my Texas registration sticker were a few months expired, how would I get an updated one?
I am sick of scum-bag politicians whining that they don't get enough revenue. These crooks have so many new streams of revenue that did not exist 10, 20 or 30 years ago, such as cell phone taxes and cable TV taxes. No matter. It is never enough. We need to bring back tarring and feathering for any politician who even thinks of a new tax.
I despise that term. There is no such thing as a "cash starved government." They are all cash Gluttens --- every damn one of them.
There is no amount of cash they can not spend and then claim to be hungry for more. You can not possibly give them all the cash they desire because their is no limit to their desires. Like any individual with an addiction, they will always want more and more and more.
I mean, what's left of it.