I want to take the liberty of adding to it with my own thoughts about the current situation. For 5 years now George Walker Bush has campaigned for congressmen and senators, helped them with issues important to their home states, stood as a courageous leader in the War on Terror, and fulfilled campaign promises which gave Republicans their largest gains in many, many years.
In return, since the media and the Rats started in with their all-out assault over Katrina, continuing with the Meiers flapdoodle, the NSA leak, and now this port issue, I have seen a bevy of so-called conservatives and pundits jumping on the Bush-bashing bandwagon.
To all who couldn't wait until the winds died down to blame the President personally for the Katrina disaster, to all who used the nomination of Harriet Meiers to throw insults and invective at the President and then crow about her withdrawal, to all who wanted "investigations" over the NSA program (and not the leaks), to those who are doing shallow knee-jerk responses to the Dubai port terminal lease contracts, to ALL of you pundits and congressmen and senators:
You are cowards and/or opportunists. You expected President Bush to campaign for you, but you give him not one whit of loyalty in return. You choose to air your differences in the media causing further demoralization of the grass roots and comfort to our enemies. I consider you worthless, and if I am forced to choose, I choose to stand with the President. FURTHERMORE, ANY SO-CALLED REPUBLICAN WHO ALLOWS HIMSELF TO BE STAMPEDED BY THE DEMOCRATS AND THE MEDIA DOES NOT HAVE THE LEADERSHIP QUALITIES REQUIRED FOR THE PRESIDENCY, THE VICE PRESIDENCY, NOR ANY CABINET OFFICE IN A FUTURE REPUBLICAN ADMINISTRATION. I can't make myself more clear.
I have already compiled a very large "do not buy their books or magazines" list and a pretty large "do not support in the presidential primary" list. I hope it doesn't grow much bigger.