Remember the human-chimp-gorilla ERVs? or the Precambrian rabbit?
ID doesn't rule these out, even thought they've never been detected.
To advance to the level of theory, it has to account for all the evidence that the ToE does, and then some.
Yes. or the Precambrian rabbit?
To advance to the level of theory, it has to account for all the evidence that the ToE does, and then some.
ToE can account for any and all evidence.
There's no evidence possible it can't account for.
The erv is a perfect example. There are erv-like inserts that aren't shared by all commonly descendent organisms. Does it then overturn evolution? No. The idea is some insertions came afterward, or were deleted etc...
Whatever is seen is ispo facto the trace of evolution.
Dont bring this up. Last time he just randomly cut and pasted abstracts from irrelevant papers off pubmed.