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To: the anti-liberal
No, absolutely. That's definitely a box that you need checked in our society. That'll change however. You're doing the right thing. Suck it up, don't waste your time on nonsense, study what's relevant first. Schools these days don't teach how to think, they attempt to inundate you with information that they'd like you to believe. That's why when people think independently, they realize fairly quickly and easily what a crock of itsh they've been spoon fed in the entire educational system. You sound like you have your head screwed on very straight!
158 posted on 03/04/2006 2:27:06 PM PST by Fruitbat
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To: Fruitbat
"That'll change however."

Actually, this is the very reason I'm in university, to bring about that change - I have some very good ideas which, if properly implemented, will bring sanity back into civilization, bringing all religions into healthy and balanced alignment (they're all saying the same thing, using different "terms of the art", bring religion, science, politics and even political parties - within and between every nation - into a balanced and proper alignment (yes, this is possible - when correctly understood and implemented they don't conflict with each other).

I'm there (at university) to develop the skills to communicate and implement these ideas in a clear and unambiguous manner.

In fact, I would like to form a school for this very purpose - but I'm no (sane) George Soros who can afford to just start building.

159 posted on 03/04/2006 2:43:13 PM PST by the anti-liberal (Hey, Al Qaeda: Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent)
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