Most people would be amused that the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration is trying to extradite him to face drug charges, Emery said. Americans weren't forced to buy his marijuana seeds, he said.
"I think Americans are going to say that if this is the No. 1 drug trafficking kingpin, then I want to move to Canada," he said, adding he's fighting an evil empire similar to one in the movie Star Wars.
"I enjoy that comic-book premise of my actions, that it's this little tiny person trying to bring justice and dignity to a whole culture in the face of a big, monolithic, Nazified institution like the DEA."
I'm annoyed; I'm very annoyed.
Remember Steve Kubby? You gonna be laughin' when Emery's deported, convicted and sentenced? Or are we going to see another post from you, whining and crying about the unfairness of it all?
Who's your next case? Renee Boje?