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To: mugs99

Granted I've only been reading up on it for a week, but I've read a ton and there sure seems to be a lot of support for it these days.

Somebody must know how to mount a tasteful WWW argument for hemp products.

Hasn't Canada legalized the cultivation of hemp? Does that mean Canada doesn't think hemp products will interfere with other commercial entities like the paper companies and fuel suppliers?

415 posted on 03/11/2006 5:46:02 PM PST by Lady Jag ( All I want is a kind word, a warm bed, and world domination)
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To: Lady Jag
I don't think the corporate structure is as embedded in Canada as it is here. Hemp products don't compete with Canadian industry on a large enough scale. Canada can make more on their timber by manufacturing wood products and lumber than wood pulp for paper. We are invested heavily in wood pulp and chemicals.

Canada imports crude from the US, refines it and ships it back to us. The loss of this wouldn't be a big loss to them. They can meet their refinery and chemical industry needs from their own tar sands.

There will always be a demand for petroleum. Hemp fuel would just reduce the demand to the point that petroleum would be cheaper. Hemp fuel and gasoline would both be selling for under a buck a gallon.

That would result in lower profits for the oil companies and the Arabs, but would benefit consumers.
It's about money and politics. The high cost of fuel is driving up the cost of living. It will eventually reach the point where people will demand a change.
416 posted on 03/11/2006 6:34:44 PM PST by mugs99 (Don't take life too seriously, you won't get out alive.)
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