Those of you who think this deal is fine, and that it would not entail security or running of the ports, that's great, you may be right, but just like traffic accidents, being in the right won't make you any less dead if someone broadsides you or hits you head on.
We will LOSE seats if we keep pushing this deal and that is the most important thing right now. To hell with Dubai, dumb the deal get people back to trusting the republicans on security, right now most of them don't!
Then to hell with every other ally in the WOT. Bush didn't blow it; the gutless Republicans blew it by joining the Democrats in opposing this deal instead of supporting and explaining it.
I'm afraid the damage is done. Duncan Hunter would rather team up with Hillary Clinton to save his ass than take a broader view of the WOT. I expected more of him, given his background.
Yeah, that's the ticket. To hell with Dubai
...and the biggest US Naval port outside the Continental U.S.
...and the only ME Arab country that gives us intelligence and operatives in the ME.
...and our airbases there.
...and the biggest, cleanest and safest R&R base for our troops in the ME.
...and has troops with our special forces in Afghanistan and Iraq.
...and has people in Iraq helping train up Iraqi police and military personnel.
...and has 500 American companies doing business on their soil.
...and sells us lots of oil. (We haven't converted to switch grass yet.)
It is the primary base of operations for our Persian Gulf and other supporting Naval fleets.
It is our staging ground for our activities in Iraq.
Without it, we will have to withdraw almost completely from the Middle East.
It is my belief that the people stirring the pot on the container ship gantries are doing so for the purpose of driving us out of Dubai. That is, they are engaged in what is actually an act of war against the United States.
They should be taken out and hanged.
What was it you were saying about "security"? This is security ~ and you are not supporting it.