Here's one link of stats about percentage of homosexuals in the population; there are some from the late 90s that are more or less the same but most I've seen are somewhat lower than this.
"Results reported from the study, and included in The Social organization of sexuality, include those related to sexual practices and sexual relationships, number of partners, the rate of homosexuality in the population (which the study reported to be 1.3% for women within the past year, and 4.1% since 18 years; for men, 2.7% within the past year, and 4.9% since 18 years; in all, much lower than the Kinsey report of 10%; pp. 293-296), formative sexual experiences, sexually transmitted diseases, fertility, cohabitation and marriage."
BTW, quite a few homosexaul activists have admitted that they knew the Kinsey 10% was fraudulent but they used it anyway to "make a point".