I sense spin. Pataki must be in pretty poor shape.
I believe so. I feel bad. Pataki is a nice guy. Not crazy about all his politics but a nice guy. Prayers for his speedy recovery.
Even today in some westernized countries the mortality rate for a ruptured appendix approaches 5%.
Now as a political matter, we were initially told that Pataki had appendicitis, not a ruptured appendix. It is quiet possible that if the appendix was treated with laparoscopic appendectomy without drainage, the perforation might have been diagnosed by the pathologist after the surgery, and not by the operating surgeon. I do not know the specifics of what the surgeon reported, but it might be an informative piece of journalism to ask what proceedure was performed on the patient,...was the peritoneal cavity copiously irrigated?...was rupture diagnosed at the time of surgery?...was the peritoneal cavity drained with passive or acitve draingage proceedures?....Were abcesses found at the time of surgery?...and many more.
Remember, a ruptured appendix is what took the life of Daniel Patrick Moynihan.