Please clip and paste where I said any such thing.
It would cover all medical emergencies. Rape, incest, and certain "health" are all pure judgement calls.
But that's all beside the point if creating these extreme laws which are doomed from the start just get shot down.
Which would you rather have--a sweeping law banning all abortions that gets shot down and doesn't save a single human child, or a minor adjustment that saves actual lives and leads to later adjustments that will save more and pave the way for REALLY ending abortion?
We have to live in the real world, folks.
The real world is full of surprises. This new law is far less rigorous than the Texas law voiced by Roe v. Wade and it reflects actual practice in the state today. The message needs to be got out that this is the way it should be settled: state by state. The overthrow of Roe has never meant anything more than a return to local option. The Republican response should always be: Let the people decide, whether it be a matters of abortion or gay marriage or prayers in the schools.