1. Who made this ammo? Is there a country of manufacture stamped on any of it, or the boxes it came in? If not, could ammunition experts find a way to figure this out, anyway?
2. What is the manufacturing DATE of all this ammo? Is it 6 months old, or 6 years old?
3. Did they find any shipping manifest with it, indicating how many countries it was shipped to/through before it ended up in Iraq?
If this is recent ammo, someone should be kicking some serious HINEY in the country it came from!!
Oh, for pete sake, these boys are only practicing, just getting warmed up. They've only been in country 1 month. Give them time. ;-)
Imagine what could be found with ground penatrating mapping radar.
Yah... like you ever really have *enough*...
I like the way this guy thinks.
And here's what they did with the C-4.
High res versions available by following links from here