Non-sequitor, there. There is no such thing as an "unfertilized embryo." The embryo begins at fertilization. Before fertilization there is an oocyte.
If an unfertilized embryo is a human being than every woman is committing an abortion with her monthly menstrual period. >>>
there is no such thing as an unfertilized embryo. An embryo is a newly-formed baby. Egg and sperm are 23 chromosome cells, all other cells in the human body have 46 chromosomes and when the egg and sperm meet at fertilization, a new 46 chromosome baby (embryo) is created. Eggs are not human life nor is sperm. A girl is born with about 400,000 oocytes/eggs, they are not babies. It's only when the egg and sperm join does a baby get created.
Which she has no control over so it's not abortion or murder. She only gets her period if the egg doesn't implant and if it doesn't implant, it's not going to survive anyway. Learn some biology.
What's an "unfertilized embryo "?