"Eminent domain" only allows you to sieze private property, not government property. But wouldn't that be cool if it did? : )
Of course the sale of toys at the gift shop raise some money, but no where near the $5,000,000 that the City has contributed annually. Not forgetting the millions of dollars in infrastructure upgrades that Detroit voters have approved over the years. You think Oakland County would do that?
But the real issue is that neither Royal Oak nor Oakland County have any interest in paying to run a Zoo. They only want City of Detroit to keep paying for it, or hope that this proposal to create a non-profit might work. (And I just don't see how it can.)
In theory post Ruth Buzzie Ginsberg and the Kilo Decision why couldn't Royal Oak seize it from Detroit if a better public use is found for their tax base?
Hey I am not an attorney but I did say at a Holiday Inn Express last night, I don't see Kilo stopping at just private property, why not municipality vs. municipality?
Maybe they should and get it back before the Supremes to Reverse Kilo !!!!!!!