Does Tommy Franks know for certain WHY the UAE is letting US ships be refurbished and replenished there? Maybe it's to trick us like we were fooled re the USS Cole. By the way, since when has an Arab ever been "trustworty"? Lying is part of their culture. (Oops is that racist?) Remember we used to think Iran was one of our best allies.
Yes, General Franks does have a little bit of first hand knowledge and experience with the issue.
Yes, they would have to spend many years proving to me they are allies. Maybe if they would rush to the defense of Israel just once or a dozen times.
This was another inept deal by the Bush administration, no matter what is claimed now. They had a great chance to show off domestic conern by handling Katrina better, at least in the aftermath. But the botches keep piling up: Harriet Myers, Katrina aftermath, the port deal, no border security.
If we had some border security there might be some trust in the administration, but years after 9/11, we still see nothing. As Dennis Miller said, "I know Mexicans are coming across the border and need jobs, but at least sign the ^%$@* guestbook on the way in." He got a huge round of applause.
Hillary could win crucial states on the border issue alone.
UAE is one of the most progressive Arab countries in the world -- and a very beautiful place BTW -- Women are free to walk around in GASP PANTS!!!! They are allowed to take part in athletics, they are allowed to go to school, attend college, and OMG VOTE!!!! Christian Churches are allowed (albeit one cannot "minister" outside of the church)!!!
Yes, we have heard all the arguments, UAE recognized the Taliban, UAE people may have met with Bin Laden --- ALL PRE 9/11. Once AQ hit us, UAE immediately severed relation with the Taliban and started working with the coalition to bring down the Taliban and Saddam. They gave us vital intel, and were also a coalition partner in Desert Storm.
They allow us to base Naval, Army and Air Force personnel in thier country. We sell them arms all the time, including Apache helicopter and F-16's (Do you think we would willingly arm our enemy).
They also control the Straits of Hormuz. NOW I ask you this, is operation of a HANDFUL of warehouses worth destroying an international relationship with one of the most important strategic partners in the WOT????
Iran WAS one of our best allies. Then some well-meaning people in government like Jimmy Carter decided we should punish our friend because frankly he did a LOT of bad things, and he wasn't really nice to his people, and he had tied to shady organizations -- all the things we here now about UAE.
So Carter cut down the Shah, and the Ayatollah took advantage and staged a coup. And a country that was one of our best allies in the region turned almost overnight into our biggest enemy, as they took over our embassy.
Now almost 30 years later they are the single biggest threat to our way of life in the world today.
Lesson: Don't unnecessarily antagonize and undercut your friends, you might not like the alternative.
This of course is NOT the lesson the opponents of this sale wanted us to get from bringing up Iran.
On the larger picture -- every country is a potential enemy, and a potential ally. Nobody can say which will be which in 30 years. The law doesn't even ALLOW us to do that in this case, we have to evaluate based on ACTUAL threats, not threats that may or may not exist in the future.