You notice what is missing from all the ports mentioned?
The Port of Hampton Roads, the third largest port in the US, P&O have a large presence at this particular port, and this particular port just happens to be located in the largest Naval Base in the world.
So, Dubais gets the contract for Hampton Roads, too?
Why isn't this mentioned since P&O is already a presence...
"P&O is a big player in the U.S. port business, operating marine cargo stations in New York, Baltimore, New Orleans, Miami and Philadelphia. P&O also owns half of Norfolk's CP&O Ports Virginia, the largest stevedoring service in Hampton Roads. That firm hires workers to load containers on and off vessels stopping at state-owned terminals and other docks. Given that ports still are widely seen as a weak link in America's anti-terrorism efforts - a possible entry point for terrorists and their weapons - Allen, R-Virginia urged a committee to "carefully and thoroughly" review its earlier decision.",0,4851835.story?coll=dp-business-localheads