I get around quite a bit, and yes, I see that immigration has gonbe from 2% to 5% in the past three years or so.
The reason that the immigration issue is not being addressed to the degree that most in here would like to see it done, is because politicians know that there are other issues that Americans consider more important.
The moment that immigration hits double digits in a poll like this, you'll see action.
You're wrong about how Americans view the importance of illegal immigration. There are many more polls, but you can find them as easily as we can.
Almost two-thirds of Americans (63%) consider illegal immigration a very serious or extremely serious problem in the United States, according to a TIME Poll. The majority (74%) believes the U.S. is not doing enough to secure its borders. . . .
TIMEs Poll shows that half (50%) of Americans favor deporting all illegal immigrants back to their home countries (45% oppose). Three-in-four (76%) favor allowing illegal immigrants in the U.S. to earn citizenship if they learn English, have a job and pay taxes. . . . Meanwhile 700,000 undocumented immigrants from around the world continue to enter the U.S. each year, according to the Pew Hispanic Center.
Do you believe securing U.S. borders should be the first priority of homeland security?
Yes 96% 1895 votes
No 4% 89 votes
Total: 1984 votes
What do you believe should be the top priority for Congress this year?
Immigration reform 29%
Social Security reform 3%
Trade/outsourcing 37%
Federal deficit 30%
Total votes 2187
When voters were asked to choose their highest, second and third priorities from the list of issues, and their top choices were combined, defense of U.S. borders was the clear winner at 77 percent."
According to the poll, 43 percent of voters listed border defense and homeland security as their No. 1 choice when asked about the highest military or foreign priority of the federal government.