No one cares what you (rhetorical 'you', not you 'you')believe. It's when your beliefs cross the line from peaceful contemplation and activities to deadly action that we begin to take notice.
We take even more notice when for every passage of the Koran that extolls mercy, justice and charity, is another that makes it your holy duty to rape, plunder and pillage, provided you can find an excuse (i.e. fatwa). Only Islam casts the baser aspects of human nature as virtues so long as the target can somehow be labelled "infidel" or "apostate", no matter how flimsy the pretense.
Get this trough your head: Islam IS NOT A RELIGION. It's a justification.
I'm not smile sugar.
I've seen the bad side of another religion....So I really REALLY do believe that in the right hands, ANY belief system can be twisted. And has been. The Bible, the Constitution, that fine print at the bottom of an insurance premium. All can be twisted.
If everyone who was Muslim was 'in' on the justification, I would buy it. But it seems that a very high percentage of them aren't. THEY believe they have a religion. Really. They find joy, peace, self-discipline,etc.
Jeez, all the things that others find in their religion.
We either alienate them, and make the war bigger, or go after the bad seed while trying to cultivate a reformation in the 'good' guys.