I received my first USAF AGCM in 1958 - It was called the Army Good Conduct Medal. The next one I received was in 1961 but was awarded as the Good Conduct Medal. The Air Force dropped the Army name from the medal. Over my career I received 9 Good Conduct Medals with only one named Army Good Conduct Medal. Funny the basic medal did not change only the name. Back in 56 SAC had us doing setups, push-ups, and pull-ups. Had to do them every three months. Then added a three minute run in place to the items above. You did the test in fatigues (utilities) and brogans (work boots). This went to the way side and was replaced by a timed running in place. Then 1.5 timed mile was added along with a weight check in. You could do either the run or the in-place thing. In the 70's while in Korea our Commander a Maj ran the 1.5 mile right along side of us EM's. He was also your catcher for the softball team. In the 80's for the 1.5 mile you had the option of walking, running in-place or actually running plus the weight check in. All events had a specific time limit and weight limit.
In 56 I was at Wheelus Air Base in Tripoli. Did you ever get there?