There are so many obscure laws on the books that we are a nation of outlaws and don't know it.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I have been saying this for most of my adult life, I once told my father before his death that if everybody who broke a law were caught, convicted and sentenced that the last judge would have to lock the prison door behind himself and we would all starve because there would be none left outside to feed us.
I live in New Orleans, and there is allegedly a law making it very difficult to open up a sorority house because of the way "brothels" are defined. This is pure BS; brothels are illegal because of what goes on in them, not because of who lives there. But that doesn't stop me from having to debunk it every few months.
That is why we have a myriad of unnecessary laws.
Whenever the Government wants to it can start selectively enforcing some of the many laws that everyone breaks on a daily basis.
Then they can put out of commission hundreds (if not thousands) of Americans that they rightly fear will stand up for this country and the Constitution.
Probably be during a Dem admin.