You're welcome.
I gotta admit, I'm disappointed that much of the chit-chat on this thread has ignored this bozo's lack of qualifications.
As an engineer and do-it-yourself tinkerer, I've always valued RadioShack as a place where you can find assorted items not found elsewhere. But over the years, they've deemphesized the products that appeal to hobbyists and cluttered the stores with crap that you can find at any discount store. Hopefully, somebody will get them back to basics after this guy gets the boot.
It sounds like they are heading the other way - getting rid of the specialty stuff in favor of more junk that will move quickly.
Aside from him lying about his qualifications, why would the board have thought that a theology degree (which apparently doens't exist) would qualify him to run a retail chain?
It is a shame it is no longer "mainstream" to build stuff and experiment. I guess RS will take that valuable space used for power supplies and components and make room for yet one more phone -- that will make the difference! As if people who buy components never buy audio equipment or other gadgets.
I don't see how RS will continue to compete if everyone else (WalMart) has the same items at a lower price. I recently went into a Radio Shack and half of the store was taken up in stuff for cell phones. And half of that space was not cell phones themselves -- just cheap stuff like vinyl cell phone covers, cheap headphones, etc. They are crazy if they think that 1/4 of the store dedicated to vinyl cellphone covers will somehow save the business.