You can read more about him here:
That's the guy, mama!
It if wasn't for the weapons we had, we might not have won the war. Herman Goering said that if Germany would have had the .50 machinegun that John Browninng invented, they would have won the war.
Browning invented that gun in 1921. It was the most produced machinegun in WWII by the US. It saw service in fighter planes, six on most fighters and eight on the P-47. There was one on each tank. There were many on each ship.
That great gun is still in use to this day. What a remarkable invention!
And I come across an idiot who thinks guns are bad. He is too stupid to realize that his very freedom depended on guns in the right hands.
When I was a small child, back in the '50's, I used to watch the westerns. The bad guy had a gun. The good guy had a gun. The bad guy used his gun for bad purposes. The good guy used his gun to stop the bad guy.
I was aware, before I was 10 years old, that guns are neither good nor bad. The person using the gun was good or bad.
Rant off!