To: rollo tomasi
Tell Harris to change her mind about drilling off the coast. Until then no spreading the word of how Harris would be effective in maintaining liberty and free us from dependence on foreign oil. In other words, you're holding your breath until you get your way on your pet issue. Something tells me your "spreading the word" wasn't worth all that much to begin with.
72 posted on
02/15/2006 4:27:54 AM PST by
(FR = a lotta talk, but little action)
To: Coop
Pet issue my behind.
We are in a war and you support being dependent on some of those we are at war with, give me a freaking break.
Also I don't think Chavez would be a kind of person you want to prop up more.
Since maintaining a "pristine" beach is one of Harris's "pet issues", tell me how Harris will maintain liberty and free us from dependence on foreign oil? Hybrids, Bwahahahahah!!!
75 posted on
02/15/2006 5:00:37 AM PST by
rollo tomasi
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