Why did we need to give people 2000 dollars in the first place. It seems to me if you don't have insurance, you shouldn't complain about living in a refugee camp with free food anyway. Where is there a freedom to a high standard of living. Once your basic food, and shelter needs are met, you can stop asking me for money.
I am a reasonably self sufficient human being. The good news was on the Thursday before the storm, I had a client pay him in cash. Almost $4k. Thank God, I didn't deposit it in the bank, b/c my atm cards didn't work for four days. So, I had plenty of money for meals, gas, hotels etc.
But I'll tell you what. You leave home with four hours notice, with the clothes on your back and then be told you can't come home for month or two. I guarantee you, you'll be first in line for one of those debit cards.