Maybe you harbor some odd affinity for the "containment" doctrine of 2 generations ago, but in case you hadn't noticed, it's not really needed anymore. There are less than 5 communist nations on earth, and one is reforming via its economy, and one is simply waiting for its octagenarian dictator to pass on. The rest of the globe keeps slowly progressing towards democratic reforms.
(There were 21 Democratic nations on earth less than 100 years ago. Now there are 120+. Containment is not exactly a major concern.)
China is still communist, and it's huge. Establihshment of a new communist regime in Asia, however small the country in question, would encourage the hard-liners in Beijing and North Korea and Cuba, all of which are serious problems for the U.S. There's also Hugo Chavez, a Castro with oil. Your view of the state of the world is at least five years out of date. I can only hope that, as a "Teacher," you aren't successful at impressing this on your students.
And no, I don't want to "race out to Nepal," if this means U.S. troops. I made that clear. I want to sell the Nepali government whatever it wants or needs to kill the commies.
What is the big sacrifice there? How does it detract from Iraq or Afghanistan?