Oh please, most people know exactly what the type of kid or blustering man the nuke them now crowd represents and none take them seriously.
As for cutting and pasting peoples words, most are becoming to savvy to fall for it, and besides you can find a viewpoint for everything on the internet to support what ever point you are trying to make about your enemy no freerepublic needed.
As for the good guys job being made harder....we have not even begun to fight the real fight and that is one against what islam teaches. Until we do that we are just plugging holes in a leaking damm.
So we've all just been pissing in the wind and haven't even begun to fight.
You can tell that to the next of kin of the troops we have lost.
Most people in the Muslim world are not that savvy.
I don't think it is good for Free Republic to be a source of attributable anti-Muslim genocide rhetoric. Do you?