These people are despicable wastes of skin.
Lesbians going after Scouts just evokes the incident in Lot where the lusty citizens of Sodom wanted to get to 'know' the two Strangers Lot was harboring. Where is this leading to?
Mega Dittos
First, the 1st Amendment in no imposes a "ban on state-sponsored religion." It bans Congress from imposing a nationally-sponsored religion. Just incidentally, it also prohibits interference with the free exercise of religion. When the Constitution was adopted, several states had laws sponsoring a particular religion, usually through the collection of funds via taxation. These laws were dropped, not because they were unconstitutional, but because the religions had no desire to invite the potential for interference of any kind from the state. Thus, the Constitution does not ban state-sponsored religion, tyrannical oligarchs have and continue to impose such a ban with the intent to disrupt any free but public exercise of religion.
Furthermore, BSA is not a religious organization. The BSA does not provide religious training to anyone. Nor are leaders and youths required to believe in a "formal deity." One must believe in a higher power, but exactly what you believe in is highly personal and can be as informal as one wishes. In fact, with regard to belief system, BSA will accept anyone but an avowed atheist--even avowed agnostics are welcome.
Given that this case is so far out of sync with reality and logic, I can only assume that this is a treasonous attempt to prohibit a certain free exercise of association.