My previous point was to challenge your, "Frist ... has pushed GWB's judges through."
I think he, as with most Senators, take a collegial path, looking for least resistance, and all too willing to "give" on something that isn't "theirs" to begin with. That is, I see the nominations as the President's, and Frist doesn't have his heart in them to the point of "fight."
I agree, but Trent Lott was not the poster child for "Profiles in Courage" when it came to standing up to the Dems. If the question is would do a better job on pushing Judicial Nominations through the Senate, I think Frist proved himself to be better than Lott on this issue. But Frist is not as good as Lott on Legislative issues such as Tax cuts and Social Security, Frist seems to simply roll over and say he will take it up in the next Congress