I see, in your world self-employed types and small businesses persons don't already declare personal use PCs as business deductions under the income/payroll tax, in their effort to limit or evade income taxes and thus reduce PCE because those computers and other equipment and commodities and services are improperly declared as business expenses.The information in the PCE is based on surveys of either manufacturer's shipments or retail sales. If I bought the computer at BestBuy, how exactly do you think that isn't in the PCE?
If I bought the computer at BestBuy, how exactly do you think that isn't in the PCE?
If you used it as a deductible expense in a business, one of the most common ways of reducing and evading income taxes by those who also engage in under-the-counter cash payments,(e.g. self-employed & small businesses as well as employees of companies receiving a PC from a company) ,
It was removed from PCE. All such declared business expenses are removed from the NIPA accounting for PCE to assure that product is only counted once in PCE (i.e. retail sales only)