It was you who stated that you were tired and for most people this means that they are less coherent than usual. If this is not what you meant, then I am perplexed as to why you even mentioned it, and if telling me that you are tired had no bearing upon your level of coherence, then some additional details as to why you mentioned this would certainly have been helpful.. No offense of unkindness was intended, and certainly no slander. I was merely responding to something that you had very clearly said. We seem to be having multiple misunderstandings today, and I find this very unfortunate. I assure you that I mean no unkindness; I am merely responding to your words.
The specific sentence that you question is relating to the concept of medical conspiracy theories. As I said, the only group that I am aware of that puts much stock in such theories are the Islamofascists. I find nothing outrageous at all about this (the fact that Islamofascists are invested in conspiracy theories), it's rather common knowledge, or so I thought.
This is entirely different from your inference that I had suggested never questioning doctors.....I had never suggest or inferred such a thing. In fact, the best patients are the most well-informed patients. Being a well-informed patient means taking the time to learn a bit about the entirety of what it is you are talking about, not merely taking a raw statistic and attaching a meaning to it which oftentimes is not relevant.