I think it's time to assert the separation of church and state issue. The church - any church - cannot tell the state how to run the country.
I agree. I'm not for the total separation of Church and State, at least not to the extreme it has been taken, but we do run a risk of blurring the lines too much, and that is a scary thought.
Look around the globe and see which countries are governed by the Church. They are among the most hostile nations on earth. The idea that it could happen in this nation is a frightening thought.
Of course it can. The state does not have to listen, and the church can, and does, err. But the church should instruct the state on how to do its duty before God......, and by the way, there is no "separation of church and state" in the Constitution or bill of rights. That phrase came from a letter to the Danbury Baptists by Ben Franklin in about 1800. Never has been constitutional.