I think very little has changed since the early church. In fact in many ways, IMO..the Church is in worse shape.
Sometimes I just laugh..and cry at the same time....thinking about what God must be thinking about us. Instead of building each other up...we try and tear each other down. Instead of coming together in the things that should forever bind us...we focus on what divides us.
I don't have it all together....but I'm tired of seeing fellow professing Christians beating each other up.
Yes, I realize after reading some exchanges here...that this is a FR ongoing debate/feud. Maybe I'm reading more into this threads than what is here...but it seems many things are said...that people surely wouldn't say to each other in person. Especially brother's and sister's in the Lord.....
I'm guilty of this also, so I speak from humbled and embarrassed experience....IMO, the Internet is so impersonal..people will say things on-line...that there's no way, no how,..they would say in person...Christian or not.
Well I'm rambling...and life is short.
Be well...and may God bless you richly in all you do.