slavery by 1860 was DYING an UNlamented natural death due to improvements in agriculture. given the fact that a MILLION people (MANY THOUSANDS of them slaves!) died in that NEEDLESS & UNJUSTIFIED war, it seems a REALLY HIGH PRICE to pay to free the slaves a few years early.
BUT the point actually is that the lincoln administration went to war for POWER & $$$$$$ and NOT at all to free the slaves. even lincoln admitted that the war was ONLY to "preserve the Union"!
i might have SOME respect for lincoln & his band of merry thieves IF they had been interested in freeing the slaves, rather than capturing more POLITICAL POWER & chasing "the almighty dollar."
sorry, but (as usual) you have NO point.
free dixie,sw
Ah, here's where I came in. So, Watie, tell us how there was a machine that would efficiently harvest cotton available in 1860, even though there wasn't one in use anywhere in the world until 1940. Tell us about how the need to chop cotton by hand would have ended without the development of herbicides in the 1940s. Explain why the mechanization of cotton happened at the same time in both the California cotton fields, with no legacy of the mean ol' yankees burning down Tara, as it did in the South.