"Why aren't your so called decent muslims against terrorism? They don't fight terrorism in their own backyards and they are okay with you, huh? When did you start beating your wife?"
Oh, please. Many Muslims are opposed to terrorism. If you choose not to find their statements with a simple Google search, that's up to you.
There are a whole bunch of Afghanis and Iraqis fighting terrorism right now in their own countries, and we're helping them to do a better job of it. What is it that you suppose were doing in Afghanistan and Iraq right now? Go read something about our training and equipping their security forces. Lots of Iraqi security people are dying trying to end terrorism and establish a democratic Iraqi state.
If that is not our goal there, as it has been so clearly stated by our government, then what the heck are we doing there?
As for my wife, ask her if I beat her. She will certainly let you know if I ever have.