That is precisely where the Muslims are determined to put it.
We should ask ourselves why.
The islamic response or threats and boycotts just goes to highlight exactly what their cult is all about. Fear, and intimidation.
The cartoons are so offensive because they reflect facets of the truth, and this is what they do not want revealed. Instead of having the courage to face up to the truth about their so-called "prophet," his rape, his terror, his genocide, his pedophilia, and the present day outcomes of following his vile ideology, they try to hide the truth in the dark and "shoot the messenger" who reveals it instead.
Now why would someone so to such great lenghts to do this?
Because they know then man and the facts surrounding him are the basis for the whole pack of lies that the house of cards called islam is based on. If mohammMAD is exposed, the entire house of cards based on his lies and will come down.
Spread the truth, let muslim and non-muslim alike read for themselves the history of mohamMAD.
Freedom of speech is a right and will set them free. They should learn to live with it.
Imposing restrictions on images of mohamMAD is enforcing elements of sharia in the west. The dhimmis do not understand this angle, but many RoPers do and will marvel at the powers of allah over the unbelievers. This will reinforce and encourage their beliefs. Today it's cartoons of Mo, tomorrow it will be something else.