Of course, if I were king, it would have been a whole different ballgame. The SOTU speech would have been a televised public lynching for the national security leakers and the leftist sedition lobby, then we would talk about reducing the size of government...ROFL!!!
I'd go with you on that....
My Ideal world would be much further Right that it currently is...but Bush is moving it a bit Right in some key areas....But He is EXACTLY RIGHT on National Security....which is BY FAR the number one priority issue....now if He can Force the borders shut some more I would be much happier...
I think the biggest initiative in domestic politics should be to de-fund the left with all of their 501c tax-exempt corporations. It is corporate welfare for the left. I would want to have mandatory drug testing required for all paid employees of 501c corporations in the Internal Revenue Code (if it were not abolished altogether) as a condition for non-profit status. Watch all those ACLU, PETA, PFTAW, Greenpeace, PBS, NPR, GLSEN, ACTUP, PFLAG alphabet soup leftist groups fold overnight.
And national security? Harry Belafonte would remain in exile once he left the country and so would anyone else, including former presidents, who bad mouthed the USA overseas. I would instruct the State Department to invalidate their visa, let Congress vote to reinstate it.